Mobile operator consortium to prepare LTE deployment

The Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media has finally made a move on the deployment of LTE technology, a widely accepted pre-4G mobile network standard. A consortium composed of the so-called “big three” leading national mobile operators, MTS, VimpelCom and MegaFon, in cooperation with state fixed-telephony operator Rostelecom, has been requested to investigate all …

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Search engine Yandex strengthens its leadership

In 2010, Russian search engine Yandex remained by far the leading search engine on the Russian-language Internet. According to, a leading website traffic ranking site, Yandex generated 64.1% of all visits to other sites generated by search engines from December 2009 to December 2010, an increase of 5.2 points over the previous year. Google’s …

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VimpelCom buys Belgorod Digital Mains for $14.7 million

VimpelCom, a leading Russian mobile operator working under Beeline brand, has announced a purchase of 100% shares of Belgorod region telecom Belgorodskiye Tsifrovye Magistrali (Belgorod Digital Mains) for $14.7 million. Belgorod Digital Mains provide telephone and broadband Internet services under Magistrali Telecom and Belnet brands.

Skype acquires Russian project Qik

Skype announced yesterday it had signed a final agreement with Almaz Capital Partners investment fund to acquire Qik, a mobile video file sharing application. Analysts assess the deal to be worth $150 million, although neither party is commenting. The transaction will be finalized this month.

DST takes part in Facebook’s newest and largest investment round

Digital Sky Technologies (DST Global), Russia’s major Internet investment fund, pledged $50 million to Facebook’s latest $500 million financing round.  In addition, DST stakeholder Goldman Sachs bought a $450 million stake with the right to sell up to $75 million to DST, according to sources quoted in The New York Times involved in the talks. With …

DST takes part in Facebook’s newest and largest investment round Read More

Clusters are no blusters unless set up by busters

Prof. Daniel Isenberg from the U.S.’ Babson College challenges governments’ drive for innovation clusters by saying top-down cluster strategies “may perversely dull the entrepreneurial spirit rather than sharpening it.” I found his viewpoint interesting to dwell upon—and pretty arguable, too.

Russian software export industry Annual report

Report presentation: From February to April, 2010, the Russian Software Developers Association (Russoft) conducted its 7th Annual Survey of the Russian Software Export Industry. In the course of this survey, Russoft collected more than 160 quality questionnaires. In addition to questionnaires, Russoft analysts gathered a significant amount of information from other sources, primarily reports of …

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Innovation by large companies in Russia: Mechanisms, barriers, perspectives

Executive summary: In May 2010, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the New Economic School, the Russian Venture Company, and the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies conducted a survey of 100 large companies operating in Russia in order to assess the level of innovation among large corporations. The survey was also designed to explore the key factors which determine the level …

Innovation by large companies in Russia: Mechanisms, barriers, perspectives Read More

Dreaming to work in a foreign company

Summary of survey results: According to the survey, 28% of the working residents of Russia would prefer to work for a foreign company. Of this group, 30% of the respondents under 30 expressed a desire to work for a foreign company to gain “good work experience” and practice using a foreign language. According to respondents, …

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