Polish Investment Forum
April 16, 2018 - April 17, 2018
Location: Tarnow, Poland.
On April 16-17, Tarnow, Poland will host the eleventh edition of Investment Forum, an international meeting platform for investors, government officials, business executives, startup founders, experts, researchers and innovators from Central and Eastern Europe.
The conference will feature a variety of activities, including a plenary session, a range of thematic blocks, discussion panels, workshops, lectures, presentations and a networking party.
The agenda will also feature a range of award ceremonies:
- the Investor of the Year
- the Investment of the Year
- the Best Startup of the Year
Besides, attendees will participate in the Robot Show competition.
The winners of the Robot and Startup competition will have a chance to pitch at the Krynica Economic Forum this autumn. Besides, they will benefit from a 10,000 PLN and 100,000 PLN investment respectively.
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