East-West Digital News (EWDN) is shaped by a single goal – to inform the international business community about Russian innovation industries in an objective and reliable manner.
EWDN is a finely tuned combination of news materials, professional analysis, market data and in-depth studies. The content is produced by the EWDN team and its network of expert contributors. Content is also provided by partnering media and industry players or based on selected extracts from the Russian or international press.
To the greatest extent possible, facts, statements and citations reported from EWDN sources are double-checked with alternative media sources or directly with the people or organizations concerned.
Although EWDN provides current, relevant and insightful industry news on a daily basis, it is not itself a provider of breaking real time news. In our position as a market insider and aggregator, we select, verify and translate information from reliable local Russian sources, adding value in cross referencing for clarity and accuracy. Being a trustworthy resource of information and data is even more important than being first to publish news. We aim to check the facts and fine-tune content to ensure the highest possible level of quality and reliability.
EWDN enjoys fully transparent relations with partnering media, contributors and companies. EWDN editorial independence is a non-negotiable condition in all matters pertaining to editorial or financial relations – be it advertising, sponsorship or investment.
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- EWDN does not refer to Crimea or any other Ukrainian territories as being part of the Russian Federation. This position has been reflected consistently since 2014 and 2022 in EWDN’s textual and graphic references to these territories.
- EWDN refers to technology activities conducted in Israeli settlements in occupied West Bank as illegal.
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EWDN and its team are guided in their work by the following principles, in particular:
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EWDN firmly supports the principles of equality and tolerance in all matters related to gender, races, nationality, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and social status. Not only are these principles applied strictly in EWDN’s recruitment methods and partnership approaches, the EWDN team also welcomes all suggestions to highlight remarkable market facts, individual initiatives or social trends which tend to show the benefits of diversity and tolerance in the fields of technological innovation and investments.
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Even though some market facts or trends in Russia, as elsewhere in the world, have undeniable political implications, the EWDN team is committed to highlight these facts and trends independently and objectively, avoiding any political bias or preference and refusing to cede to any potential pressure or propaganda context.
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