Incubators, Accelerators, Technoparks

California’s Garage Technology Ventures to invest in Russian startups

Palo Alto based Garage Technology Ventures is partnering with Moscow based incubator Digital October to invest in Russian high tech startups with international potential. The news was reported yesterday by Russian business daily Vedomosti based on exchanges with Digital October General manager Dmitry Repin and Garage Technology Managing Director Bill Reichert.

Multi-billion dollar investments, tech partnerships and easy visas announced at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

St. Petersburg – Shoring up the slow and difficult transition in the Russian economy from gas and oil to a more knowledge driven paradigm, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum held in the end of last week in Russia’s Northern capital was replete with innovation related declarations on a massive scale. Innovation was a central theme at the …

Multi-billion dollar investments, tech partnerships and easy visas announced at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Read More

St. Petersburg forum: Medvedev shows willingness but has “no illusions” on the pace of modernization

St. Petersburg – In addressing participants at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum last Friday, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev’s speech did not reveal any substantially new position regarding his government’s now established stance on modernization, but innovation was nevertheless put forward as the first and foremost theme in the President’s address. “Modernization is the only way to address …

St. Petersburg forum: Medvedev shows willingness but has “no illusions” on the pace of modernization Read More

Tartarstan confirms momentum on Russian Internet scene

During a visit to Kazan yesterday, Google Russia representative Vladimir Dolgov praised Tatarstan for its Internet penetration rates, which stand among the highest in Russia. Having noticed the large quantity of schools with Internet connections and local WIFI hotspots, Dolgov said that Tatarstan “has all the necessary foundations for further development of Internet and online …

Tartarstan confirms momentum on Russian Internet scene Read More

Vologda region to set up technopark in Cherepovets

Authorities in Vologda region intend to set up a technopark for small businesses carrying out innovation projects in the city of Cherepovets, news agency RIA Novosti reports.

Parallels Research gets Skolkovo grant for cloud development

Parallels Research, an international research center owned by Parallels, announced last week it has received a 150 million ruble grant ($5.3 million) from the Skolkovo Foundation for cloud computing research and development. The research center will get another 150 million rubles from its parent company Parallels.

Kaluga region to get $50 million federal funding for Obninsk technopark

Authorities in Kaluga region have started construction of an IT and biotechnologies technopark in the city of Obninsk, regional Governor Anataoly Artamonov told journalists. Under plans, by 2015 Kaluga region is to get $50 million from the federal budget on the technopark construction.

Putin creates powerful innovation agency; Skolkovo could lose momentum

Presented as the brainchild of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) has appeared on the scene as a major element in Russia’s state sponsored innovation policy. Though making its fist public debut only three weeks ago, the project appears to have been duly prepared, as witnessed by the agency’s brand new …

Putin creates powerful innovation agency; Skolkovo could lose momentum Read More

Skolkovo and Cisco name Innovation Prize winners

The Skolkovo project, in partnership with Cisco, handed out 5.25 million rubles ($175,000) to three winners of their jointly sponsored Skolkovo Innovation Prize competition. Moscow inventor Evgeny Smetanin, 50, walked away with first prize of 3 million rubles ($100,000) for his project on transforming children’s toys into modular robotic playing devices.

Where are the Russian technology success stories? Try looking in Perm

“Where are the Russian technology success stories?” As a foreigner, this question often sounds like an odd question.  There are many Russian success stories in the IT sector, ranging from world-class software outsourcing companies like EPAM and Luxoft, to Russian software product companies that have international success, like Kaspersky Labs, Abbyy and Parallels. However, simply …

Where are the Russian technology success stories? Try looking in Perm Read More

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