Incubators, Accelerators, Technoparks Group launches in-house project incubator Group, a large, publicly traded Internet group has launched its own internal incubator to develop projects initiated by employees. Group entrepreneurs will develop their projects in full autonomy while retaining their employee status. “We will try to infuse the incubator with a true startup spirit, offering dedicated work spaces separate from the group’s … Group launches in-house project incubator Read More

Skolkovo woos German startup in Singapore

Taxipedia, a German startup that has developed a mobile app for calling taxis and getting discounted fares, was awarded a Skolkovo Foundation grant last week, reported Tass-Telecom last week. The ceremony was held at the Singapore campus of INSEAD, a top ranking international business school with its main campus in Fontainebleau, France.

IBM and SAP to create R&D centers in Skolkovo

IBM and SAP inked cooperation agreements almost simultaneously this week with the Skolkovo Foundation, the state sponsored organization in charge of developing a state-of-the-art innovation hub near Moscow. Both companies intend to create research and development facilities at Skolkovo. IBM’s researchers will work on smart technologies for use in oilfields, mobile NFC technologies, and road …

IBM and SAP to create R&D centers in Skolkovo Read More

Marina Treshchova of Fast Lane Ventures: “We just adapt relevant foreign models to Russian market conditions”

Since launching operations a year ago, Fast Lane Ventures has affirmed itself as one of the most active investors on the Russian Internet scene. Among its most notable startups have been online shoe retailer, daily deal site, airfare search service, real estate database and Q&A content provider Relevant Media. Fast Lane co-founder …

Marina Treshchova of Fast Lane Ventures: “We just adapt relevant foreign models to Russian market conditions” Read More

Skolkovo counts over 200 residents

Last week, 29 companies were awarded the status of Skolkovo residents, bringing the total number of participants at the innovation center to 220. Applications were reviewed by a panel of expert board members of the Skolkovo Foundation, which included Russian and foreign researchers, entrepreneurs and venture investors.

Microsoft and Skolkovo to co-invest in Russian tech companies

Skolkovo residents that have received a Microsoft seed fund grant are now eligible to receive a matching grant from the Skolkovo Foundation. The news was announced in a press conference last week by the foundation’s president Viktor Vekselberg and Microsoft COO Kevin Turner, who at the same time announced further plans for collaboration to support …

Microsoft and Skolkovo to co-invest in Russian tech companies Read More

Bashkortostan plans to follow Skolkovo’s lead in information technologies

Last week, the government of Bashkortostan announced its intention to build an IT technopark named Kurai. The new technology park is part of a 5 year program to foster innovation in the republic. To build the technopark, Bashkortostan authorities intend to attract up to 1 billion rubles, or approximately $33 million, in federal funding. The …

Bashkortostan plans to follow Skolkovo’s lead in information technologies Read More

Skolkovo startups attract $265 million from 22 funds

Residents of the Skolkovo innovation hub under construction near Moscow have already attracted $265 million in pledged investment from 22 funds since the beginning of this year, Russian business daily RBC Daily reported yesterday. Among these investors are Russian management company Leader, the Canadian fund Pangaea Ventures, Bright Capital, Foresight Ventures, Runa Capital, Softline Venture …

Skolkovo startups attract $265 million from 22 funds Read More

US investors to fund Russian startups through new accelerator in St. Petersburg

Just days after Texdrive, Russia’s first international startup accelerator, opened in Moscow, the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) announced in late October the creation of its own startup accelerator in partnership with US venture fund RSV Venture Partners. Operations will start early in 2012 at the university-hosted startup …

US investors to fund Russian startups through new accelerator in St. Petersburg Read More

Road quality mapping startup honored at Opera Software Startup Awards contest

Opera Software, the Norwegian browser software publisher, announced the results of its Opera Startup Awards contest this Tuesday. The competition, intended to reveal the best Russian student startups, was conducted by Opera Software in partnership with the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics and its affiliated business incubator ‘Quattuor Dimensionis’ (QD).

MIT and Skolkovo to develop joint research university in Moscow

A three-year collaboration program for the development of a graduate level research university was signed last week in Moscow by MIT President Susan Hockfield and Skolkovo Foundation President Viktor Vekselberg. The new institution will be located in Skolkovo, the state sponsored innovation hub under completion near Moscow. The university, named Skolkovo Institute for Science and …

MIT and Skolkovo to develop joint research university in Moscow Read More

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