Incubators, Accelerators, Technoparks

Skolkovo: Global majors hired to shape ‘smart city’

The Skolkovo Foundation, which has been instrumental in pumping R&D funds into the Skolkovo innovation hub just outside Moscow since 2010, has contracted with an international consortium to create a comprehensive ‘smart city’ concept. Under the terms of the 89.7 million ruble ($3 million) deal, the Russian software developer Cognitive Technologies, Britain’s Ernst&Young, the U.S.’ …

Skolkovo: Global majors hired to shape ‘smart city’ Read More

Second IT park, new IT village in Tatarstan

Russia’s second fastest-growing regional innovation economy in 2011 according to business monitor RBC Daily, is stepping up efforts to assert itself as one of the country’s most business-friendly ecosystems. Less than three years after the regional capital city of Kazan opened IT Park, reportedly eastern Europe’s biggest techno-park, plans are now being laid for a …

Second IT park, new IT village in Tatarstan Read More

Russia and Belarus shake hands on joint business accelerator and technopark

In a bid to step up innovation cooperation between Russia and neighboring Belarus, two government delegations met in Nizhny Novgorod on Wednesday to agree on the establishment of a Russian-Belarusian Business Accelerator and to further the finalization of a prospective inter-state technopark.

Mine fleet management solution provider Vist Group eyes IPO

Vist Group, a major, twenty-year-old Russian developer of turn-key IT solutions for mine fleet and railroad management systems, is considering seeking capital market opportunities, according to Reuters. A resident of Skolkovo, the government-sponsored technology hub outside Moscow, Vist could thus become the first Skolkovo resident to orchestrate an IPO. Vist has declined to make any …

Mine fleet management solution provider Vist Group eyes IPO Read More

Made-in-Skolkovo products get first international clients

The potential of Skolkovo, the state-sponsored innovation hub nearing completion outside of Moscow, as a research and development base for marketable high tech products has been illustrated, for one of the first times, by the first international sales of a cloud computing solution developed with the support of Skolkovo’s IT cluster.

Skolkovo’s influence extending to post Soviet countries

In a renewed round of innovation cooperation in the post-Soviet area, the Skolkovo Foundation, the Russian organization in charge of building a world-class technology hub near Moscow, is expected to start screening and funding technology start-ups from the neighboring CIS countries. The CIS Economic Council will vest the Foundation next month with full powers to …

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Skolkovo comes to the UK

Skolkovo, the state-supported innovation hub under completion near Moscow, comes to the UK on Feb. 14 and 15. Organized by UK Trade & Investment and the UK Science and Innovation Network, the roadshow will provide “100 UK companies and organisations with an opportunity to discuss Russia’s ambitious future plans and funding opportunities for joint projects with …

Skolkovo comes to the UK Read More

Skolkovo seeks cooperation with 50 venture funds

Skolkovo, the innovation hub under construction near Moscow, has set a goal of partnering with 50 additional Russia and foreign venture funds this year, said Skolkovo Investment Director Alexander Lupachev in an exchange last Friday with news agency RIA Novosti.

Skolkovo to hold roadshow in France

The IT cluster of Skolkovo, the state-supported innovation hub under completion near Moscow, is preparing a roadshow to France in June or July, involving a dozen of its resident companies. The series of Skolkovo roadshows in Western countries started in the fall of last year with visits to Vienna, Munich and the Silicon Valley.

Novosibirsk authorities to attract $1 billion to fund innovation in Akademgorodok

The authorities of the Novosibirsk region in Siberia announced their intention to create a world-class innovation center in Akademgorodok, a major academic and scientific hub. The regional government will invest 10 billion rubles, or approximately $330 million, in the project by 2017, and expects the total investment from various sources to reach as much as …

Novosibirsk authorities to attract $1 billion to fund innovation in Akademgorodok Read More

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