Social networks & apps Group a “trash holding,” says Vkontakte founder

Pavel Durov, founder and shareholder of Russia’s leading social network,, referred to LSE-listed Group as a “trash holding” on Twitter last Friday. The message was accompanied by an explicit picture of his “official answer to Group’s last attempt to absorb Vkontakte.” Group raises its stake in to 40% Group, which owns a controlling stake in several key Russian Internet properties, exercised its option to raise its stake in from 32.49% to 39.99%, Russian business daily Vedomosti reported yesterday.

Russia tightens screws on copyright violations

Three major court cases involving violation of electronic copyright came into the spotlight in Russia over the past two weeks, revealing a steady – though controversial – progress in the application of copyright related legislation in the country.

Yandex invests in social commerce app

Russian search system Yandex announced last week its intention to allocate funding for Social Market, a startup from Moscow developing a social commerce application, within the Yandex.Factory program.

Better late than never: LinkedIn launches Russian version

LinkedIn announced earlier this week that it has launched versions of its website in Russian, Romanian and Turkish. According to the company, the English version of the website already had 400,000 users from Russia and over 1,000 groups related to Russia, reported, a website covering IT and telecom issues.

Social network reaches 100 million accounts

Odnoklassniki has announced the opening of its 100 millionth account last weekend, reported news agency RIA Novosti. The social network now counts 71 million activated accounts – those accounts for which users have provided a valid mobile phone number.

CTC Media clamps down on piracy

CTC Media, a leading Russian broadcasting company, has embarked on a joint campaign with Vkontakte, the largest social network in Russian and the CIS, to combat illegal content and promote Videomore, CTC Media’s own licensed player. According to CTC Media, which is backed by MTG, the campaign will have the tools at its disposal to search for …

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First content discovery service launched on Russian Internet

Russia now has its own collaborative content discovery service for the Web, The site, inspired by the StumbleUpon concept, appeared just weeks ago and is still in the beta phase. Its distinctive ‘share’ button has begun spreading among Russian websites including some important ones like, the top Russian video hosting service.

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