
Russian money fuels US online data giant

Russian Venture Company (RVC), a state-owned fund of funds, participated indirectly in a $20 million round of financing, announced last week, for Clearspring Technologies, a US-based online data giant. This fourth round brings Clearspring’s total funding to $58 million since its creation in 2004. Clearspring is the maker of the AddThis button that facilitates content …

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Eutelsat and Russia’s RSCC to launch direct broadcast satellite

The Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC), a state-owned satellite communications operator, and Eutelsat, the leading European satellite operator, announced last week their plans to jointly launch a new direct-to-home (DTH) satellite to 36° East in 2015.

Tele2 offers to acquire regional mobile operator

Tele2 Russia, the Russian subsidiary of the Swedish-based European telecommunications group, has offered to acquire a 97% stake in regional operator SMARTS for $390 million, including $100 million to cover debt. Based in Samara, SMARTS is a Russian mobile operator with a regional presence that would ideally compliment that of Tele2 Russia, which currently operates …

Tele2 offers to acquire regional mobile operator Read More

Russian representative may gain seat on ICANN board

Russia could soon have a representative on the board of directors of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the international U.S.-based domain-name authority. The announcement was made yesterday at the second Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF) in Moscow. Marina Nikerova, chairwoman of Russia’s national domain coordination center, has applied to join ICANN’s board. …

Russian representative may gain seat on ICANN board Read More

5 Russian startups among finalists for Red Herring’s Top 100 Europe

Five Russian companies are among the 200 finalists of Red Herring’s European startup contest held in Amsterdam. This group of 200 companies is the short list for the Top 100 Europe award. The Red Herring editorial team found them to be “the most innovative” and “exciting” after evaluating them on both quantitative and qualitative criteria, …

5 Russian startups among finalists for Red Herring’s Top 100 Europe Read More

VimpelCom acquires Vladivostok-based mobile operator

VimpelCom, a leading international telecom group and Russian mobile operator, signed agreements last week for the acqusition of a 100% stake in New Telephone Company (NTC) from Korea Telecom and Sumitomo Corporation for $420 million, reported Kommersant, a Russian business daily.

David Waroquier of Mangrove Capital Partners: Investing in Russia with “love”

You once said that you were in love with Russia. Please explain! To be in love means to believe and to be committed. We believe in Russia, in its entrepreneurs who are hungry for success. Some of them are very bold, like Oskar Hartmann (founder of leading online private shopping club, Nikita Sherman (founder …

David Waroquier of Mangrove Capital Partners: Investing in Russia with “love” Read More

IBM to provide Rostelecom with advanced cloud technology solutions

Russia’s national telecommunications operator, Rostelecom, and IBM-East Europe/Asia signed an agreement last week according to which IBM will provide Rostelecom some of its advanced cloud technology solutions. Rostelecom plans to use the IBM technology to advance the development of e-Government infrastructure.

Where are the Russian technology success stories? Try looking in Perm

“Where are the Russian technology success stories?” As a foreigner, this question often sounds like an odd question.  There are many Russian success stories in the IT sector, ranging from world-class software outsourcing companies like EPAM and Luxoft, to Russian software product companies that have international success, like Kaspersky Labs, Abbyy and Parallels. However, simply …

Where are the Russian technology success stories? Try looking in Perm Read More

NetMediaEurope to cover Russian IT sector with East-West Digital News

East-West Digital News, Russia’s up and coming news and information site covering IT industries in English, has signed a partnership agreement with NetMediaEurope, publisher of more than 40 sites across Europe targeting IT professionals. The partnership includes content exchanges and editorial cooperation. In addition, NetMediaEurope may develop advertising activities in Russia with the help of …

NetMediaEurope to cover Russian IT sector with East-West Digital News Read More

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