
KupiVIP survey: New online consumer behavior emerging in crisis times

In a survey of its customers conducted in February, fashion flash sales site KupiVIP.ru found that new online consumer behavior is emerging in the current unstable economic context. No less than 83% of clothing and footwear buyers are looking primarily for discounted products — a proportion 1.5 times higher than in early 2014. The survey also found that 58% have more …

KupiVIP survey: New online consumer behavior emerging in crisis times Read More

Siberian startup launches auction-based hotel booking platform

A resident of the KRITBI innovation business incubator in Krasnoyarsk, in Siberia, has come up with a new IT project called “TourBazaar,” which enables users to book Russian hotels, tourist and recreation centers online. TourBazaar’s developers have demonstrated a fairly unorthodox approach to organizing a service in this highly competitive market segment. For example, TourBazaar collects …

Siberian startup launches auction-based hotel booking platform Read More

Personal data storage and management in Russia: Report by EWDN and EY sheds full light on legal and organizational challenges

From September 1, 2015, companies operating in Russia will be required to store their users’ or clients’ personal data on servers located physically on Russian territory. A white paper released by East-West Digital News, in partnership with EY and leading market players, sheds full light on the legal and organizational aspects of the matter.

Russia’s SBT Venture Capital invests in Californian provider of e-commerce risk management solutions

Earlier this week SBT Venture Capital, the venture arm of Russia’s national savings bank Sberbank, announced that it has invested in IdentityMind Global, a Palo Alto, California-based provider of risk management solutions for e-commerce. Also participating in the round – the amount of which has not been disclosed – were Benhamou Global Ventures, Cybernaut Venture Capital and Lakewood & Company, the …

Russia’s SBT Venture Capital invests in Californian provider of e-commerce risk management solutions Read More

Western investors injected $5 million in Russian online travel agency Oktogo

In December last year Oktogo, a major Russian online travel agency and content portal, secured “more than $5 million” from a pool of investors which included essentially Poland’s MCI Management, Luxembourg’s Mangrove Capital Partners, France’s Ventech and Russia’s ABRT. The deal was revealed last week by Russian business daily Vedomosti and confirmed to East-West Digital …

Western investors injected $5 million in Russian online travel agency Oktogo Read More

Report: Goldman Sachs invested $8 million in Russian flight ticket booking site Onetwotrip

Goldman Sachs invested $8 million in Onetwotrip.com, a Moscow-based startup that sells air tickets and hotel bookings to users from Russia and several European countries. The capital injection was not publicly announced when it  took place in late 2014, but it was revealed last week by Russian business daily Kommersant, which cited sources close to …

Report: Goldman Sachs invested $8 million in Russian flight ticket booking site Onetwotrip Read More

Charles Bellissen of ShopAlike: “Even if the market slows down this year, we still believe in Russia’s huge potential”

Amid signs of renewal of the Russian e-commerce marketplace scene, ShopAlike, an international fashion-focused aggregator launched back in 2009, has been making headway in the Russian market for almost a year. In an exclusive interview with East-West Digital News, Charles Bellissen, Global Head of Sales at Visual-Meta GmbH – the German company behind the platform …

Charles Bellissen of ShopAlike: “Even if the market slows down this year, we still believe in Russia’s huge potential” Read More

Cross-border e-commerce: Are Western players losing Russia?

Until recently, a number of Western online retailers of all sizes enjoyed growing popularity among Russian customers, who appreciated their diversified assortment and virtually tax-free purchases. Among the most popular product categories were clothing, consumer electronics and gadgets as well as automobile parts. According to EWDN’s latest report, by the market reached some $5 billion in 2014, …

Cross-border e-commerce: Are Western players losing Russia? Read More

Maëlle Gavet steps down as Ozon CEO

Yesterday Ozon Holdings, one of Russia’s most established players on the Russian e-commerce scene, announced that Maëlle Gavet, its French-born CEO since 2011, is moving on from the company. Israeli-born Danny Perekalsky, currently Ozon’s deputy CEO, has been appointed as new CEO. He will assume the new role immediately, with Gavet staying with the company for a …

Maëlle Gavet steps down as Ozon CEO Read More

Russian operators CDEK and SPSR fight to break postal monopoly on China-to-Russia e-commerce shipment market

Led by Alibaba’s B2C subsidiary AliExpress, Chinese online retailers have gained a significant share of the Russian e-commerce market over the past two years. Of the 70 million orders that were shipped by foreign online retailers to Russia last year, more than two-thirds came from China, according to estimates cited in EWDN’s last market research. …

Russian operators CDEK and SPSR fight to break postal monopoly on China-to-Russia e-commerce shipment market Read More

Russian cross-border consumers complain most about marketing inaccuracies and returns

According to new research conducted by Teleperformance, a global outsourcing specialist in segments such as customer service and technical support, complaints of Russian consumers towards cross-border e-commerce companies center primarily on failed marketing obligations, returns queries and currency conversion processes. Teleperformance conducted an internal survey among its customers and partners to find out what Russian …

Russian cross-border consumers complain most about marketing inaccuracies and returns Read More

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