Online media to be acquired by Ukrainian holding

Ukrainian fund United Media Holding (UMH), owner of a variety of media companies  in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, is in the process of acquiring a controlling stake in, reports RBC Daily, a Russian business daily, from unnamed sources. launches online shop

The Russian edition of Elle magazine has launched a full-fledged online store. Instead of using affiliated stores, allows users to stay on the site to complete their orders and make payment. A call center provides online shoppers with assistance.

US Department of State to tweet in Russian

In a speech dedicated to Internet freedom in the world, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced yesterday that the Department of State would open Twitter accounts in several new languages, including Russian.

Medvedev wins award at Russian blogger contest

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s Twitter and LiveJournal accounts have been named the best blogs of the Russian-language Internet at the 2011 Runet Blog award ceremony.

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