
Runa Capital invests in US website security startup StopTheHacker

SaaS website security services provider StopTheHacker announced earlier this week that it received $1.1 million in initial funding from public and private investors including Runa Capital, a Russian early-stage venture capital firm, and Brian NeSmith, former CEO of Bluecoat. StopTheHacker’s proprietary, patent-pending technology helps solve web-scale security problems involving malware on websites, hacker attacks and other types …

Runa Capital invests in US website security startup StopTheHacker Read More

Report: Russia still a threat to global cyber-security, but less exposed to attacks

Russia is perceived as a threat to global cyber-security, says a report on worldwide technology safety released earlier this week by the Brussels-based Security & Defence Agenda (SDA). According to experts surveyed for “Cyber-security: The vexed question of global rules,” Russia remains “a thug state with great hackers.” The report cites Vitaly Kamluk of the …

Report: Russia still a threat to global cyber-security, but less exposed to attacks Read More

How a Russian cyber gang created Facebook’s most famous worm

Koobface (the name is an anagram of Facebook), the most famous worm in Facebook’s history, has attracted public attention once again after the social network’s security service announced earlier this month that they were going to reveal the names and photos of criminals behind the malware.

Microsoft accuses Russian engineer of creating Kelihos botnet

Earlier this week, Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit, made the findings of its Kelihos botnet investigation public, accusing Andrey Sabelnikov, a Russian engineer from St Petersburg, of having created the bot code and conducted the operation. In the original complaint filed with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia in September, Microsoft alleged …

Microsoft accuses Russian engineer of creating Kelihos botnet Read More

Russian authorities block huge new personal data leak

On Thursday, October 1, a group of anonymous Russian citizens launched Rusleaks, a web site providing open access to a significant volume of personal and corporate data from a variety sources, including highly confidential ones such as the databases of Russian tax service and law enforcement agencies. The site was no more accessible today after …

Russian authorities block huge new personal data leak Read More

Russian hacker stole $3.2 million from US organizations in 6 months

Tokyo-based cyber security firm TrendMicro revealed on Wednesday a major cyber theft of $3.2 million in six months starting in January 2011. The young hacker, nicknamed “Soldier”, resides in Russia, the firm believes. TrendMicro reported on this case in the company’s weblog this Wednesday.

Russia and Singapore to develop IT projects

Senior Russian and Singaporean representatives meeting at bilateral commission in Moscow on Tuesday have agreed to develop cooperation in the information technology sector – in particular in the sphere of personal data security.

Russian security firm Group-IB sets foot on US market

Moscow based Group-IB, a provider of cybercrime investigative and forensic services, announced last week that it has opened its first overseas office in New York. The new office will be responsible for company’s expansion into the North American market.

Personal data law comes into full force, Medvedev signs more restrictive amendments

Last week, President Medvedev signed certain amendments to the Russian law on personal data, which hardened the legal obligations on all organizations – both corporate and state sector – dealing with personal data. Although the law was voted by the Russian parliament in 2006 – one year after Russia ratified the Council of Europe’s 1981 Strasbourg …

Personal data law comes into full force, Medvedev signs more restrictive amendments Read More

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