
Russian venture 2014 – The highlights

As a busy year draws to a close, RusBase has asked 10 Russian venture capitalists what they think were the most important events of 2014. Andrey Romanenko, Run Capital: “Considering that Run Capital was only founded in April, we think this year was a successful one. The most important event for us was our $6 million investment in …

Russian venture 2014 – The highlights Read More

Mail.Ru Group, QIWI, Yandex stocks plummet as only Luxoft stands tall on Western exchanges

Several key Russian tech companies are listed on Western stock exchanges. Among them are software development and service company Luxoft (NASDAQ: LXFT); Group (LSE: MAIL), the owner of Russia’s leading social network Vkontakte and of a range of other Internet properties; mobile operator MegaFon (LSE: MFON); payment operator QIWI (NASDAQ: QIWI); and Yandex (NASDAQ: …

Mail.Ru Group, QIWI, Yandex stocks plummet as only Luxoft stands tall on Western exchanges Read More

Mobile commerce takes off in Russia: Number of shoppers more than doubles in 2014

In line with the global trend, over the next few years the main driver of m-commerce in Russia will be the growing number of tablet and smartphone users. This is the primary thesis of the study “The Russian M-Commerce Market in 2014,” presented by the marketing agency RBC.research and reported by the e-commerce online portal …

Mobile commerce takes off in Russia: Number of shoppers more than doubles in 2014 Read More

Will Ukraine-Russia’s political turmoil boost the region’s outsourcing economics?

Following the downing of the Air Malaysia flight and the subsequent military interventions and conflict between pro-Russian separatists and the government in the Ukraine, concerns about the stability of Ukraine and Russia – and indeed the broader Eastern European region – have grown. Despite a cease-fire in September, some quarters are reporting the possibility of renewed conflict. The economic toll …

Will Ukraine-Russia’s political turmoil boost the region’s outsourcing economics? Read More

Russia building a unified system to defend against cyber attacks

By the end of 2014, the Russian government plans to review a law on critical information infrastructure that would enable the country to build a comprehensive defense system against cyber attacks. Igor Sheremet, one of the co-authors of the bill and board chairman of the Governmental Military-Industrial Commission, gave an interview to talk about the initiative.

Is Russia’s cyberwar heating up amid new Cold War?

A recent influx of reports about Russian electronic espionage activity has prompted fresh concerns that the Kremlin may be gunning for a cyberwar with the West. Not everyone is convinced: Russian IT analysts interviewed by The Moscow Times were more inclined to blame the spike in attack reports on media hype and cybersecurity companies exploiting …

Is Russia’s cyberwar heating up amid new Cold War? Read More

US and Russia still developing scientific and technological ties

Although the relations between the two powers have reached historic lows, US-Russian cooperation in scientific and technological fields is still alive. “The Russian government is not imposing any sanctions whatsoever against the USA in the field of scientific interaction,” reported earlier this month, citing Russian ambassador to the USA Sergey Kislyak.

A year in Russian online travel – politics, games and investments

It’s fair to say the travel industry won’t be the same in Russia after 2014. The year was full of shocking events that might entirely change the landscape of Russian economics in general and the travel industry will feel going forward. Therefore, I decided to wrap up the things that were important for the travel …

A year in Russian online travel – politics, games and investments Read More

In Russia, an attempt to build its own Silicon Valley on the Moskva River

On the eve of Russia’s Open Innovations Forum and Exhibition, in a beautifully refurbished event space overlooking the Moskva River in what used to be the Red October candy factory, Dmitry Repin answers my question with another question: “If not here, then where?” he inquires. “There’s foreign media, there’s industry, there’s government—it’s all here.” Repin is …

In Russia, an attempt to build its own Silicon Valley on the Moskva River Read More

Fast growth appeal vs. pressure of sanctions: Western VCs’ new Russia dilemma

The past few weeks have demonstrated the uncomfortable position Western venture capitalists that have traditionally invested in Russia are finding themselves in as a result of the international tensions. While, in the eyes of some them, the Russia label has become a stigma, other VCs have proclaimed their commitment to continue investing in Russian startups …

Fast growth appeal vs. pressure of sanctions: Western VCs’ new Russia dilemma Read More

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