ICT Online

ICT-Online is a leading online resource dedicated to the Moscow and St. Petersburg IT markets.


LTE tenders scheduled for July; Tele2 could sell its Russian subsidiary in case of failure

Tele2 Russia, the Russian subsidiary of a European telecommunication group based in Sweden, will take part in upcoming tenders for allocation of LTE frequencies across Russia in the 791-862 MHz range. After being postponed several times, the upcoming tenders are scheduled for the 16th of July, 2012. “We understand that our chances are not great, based …

LTE tenders scheduled for July; Tele2 could sell its Russian subsidiary in case of failure Read More

LTE tenders to take place in one month, Sochi to get LTE for 2014 Winter Olympics

Since Scartel, a leading Russian WiMax provider operating under the Yota brand, launched Russia’s first LTE network in Novosibirsk in January, new initiatives have confirmed that 4G is on its way towards covering large portions of the Russian Federation. Roskomnadzor, the state telecom regulator, announced yesterday that the tenders to allocate the remaining LTE frequencies …

LTE tenders to take place in one month, Sochi to get LTE for 2014 Winter Olympics Read More

MTS and Rostelecom to share network infrastructure

MTS, a major Russian mobile operator, and Rostelecom, the national telecom operator, have agreed to share part of their network infrastructure, including towers (antenna masts) and optical fiber cables, reported Russian business daily Vedomosti. Rostelecom has the largest network infrastructure in Russia, extending about 500,000 km, or 310,685 miles, covering even remote and underdeveloped territories …

MTS and Rostelecom to share network infrastructure Read More

2012 expected to be Russia’s breakthrough year for LTE

After years of strategic discussions, long bureaucratic processes, and unsuccessful attempts to launch 4G, 2012 promises to be the breakthough year for LTE deployment in key areas of Russian territory. While three players – Scartel, Rostelecom and Osnova Telecom – had received their own frequencies for LTE deployment by the end of 2011, additional frequencies …

2012 expected to be Russia’s breakthrough year for LTE Read More

Mobile operator consortium to prepare LTE deployment

The Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media has finally made a move on the deployment of LTE technology, a widely accepted pre-4G mobile network standard. A consortium composed of the so-called “big three” leading national mobile operators, MTS, VimpelCom and MegaFon, in cooperation with state fixed-telephony operator Rostelecom, has been requested to investigate all …

Mobile operator consortium to prepare LTE deployment Read More

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