New industry association to promote satellite geolocation services

Aiming to develop Russia’s navigation and information service market, a group of Russian satellite service providers as well as telecom and Internet market players have established an industry association called Assistance in the Development and Use of Navigation Technologies.

The initiative was announced earlier this month by national navigation service provider NIS GLONASS, which is teaming up in the partnership with telecom operators RTComm.Ru, MegaFon and Summa Telecom, plus the Russian Internet search giant Yandex and the GLONASS/GNSS – Forum association.

In addition to fine-tuning pertinent legislation and promoting GLONASS/GPS-based solutions both domestically and internationally, the new group expects to contribute to the shaping of what NIS GLONASS CEO Alexander Gurko, the president of the association, called “an integrated navigation and information domain in Russia and beyond.”

Topics: Mobile & Telecom, News, Satellites
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