Daily deal site Kupikupon.ru aquires beauty salon booking service

Kupikupon.ru, a major daily deal site, has acquired Moresalonov.ru, an online booking service for beauty salons, for an undisclosed amount, reported Unova, a Russian site dedicated to high tech and venture news.

The clients of Kupikupon.ru will be able to plan visits to beauty salons and book appointments  more easily. Bookings for restaurants, car maintenance, and medical service providers will also soon be included on Moresalonov.ru.

The integration of Moresalonov.ru, which currently operates in Moscow and five other Russian cities as well as in Kiev, Ukraine, may lead to a significant increase in the annual turnover of Kupikupon.ru. The latter currently amounts to $40 million per year, Unova reports.

  • RUSSIAN E-COMMERCE REPORT 2012 – The total volume of Russian online retail reached 310 billion rubles, a little more than $10 billion, in 2011, up 25% from the previous year. EWDN’s research study of Russian e-commerce, which includes an analysis of daily deal sites, will be available in April 2012. To receive free insights or to order the full version, please contact us at [email protected].
Topics: E-Commerce, E-marketing & Adtech, Finance, Internet, M&A, News, Startups
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