EU-backed climate conference to showcase 20 greentech startups (Dec. 1-3)

Green technologies and innovations from high potential startups are key contributors to the global effort on reaching ambitious climate targets. With this in mind, the EU Delegation to Russia wants to showcase EU and Russian startups that develop and promote green technologies and innovation.

A pitching competition is being organised in the run-up to the EU-Russia Climate Conference, which will take plaid on Dec. 1-3, 2020 under the auspices of the Skolkovo School of Management. Twenty select projects (10 from the EU and 10 from Russia) will be involved.

The conference will bring together EU and Russian government and business representatives, think tanks, academics, experts, NGOs and media. It aims to support an open and fruitful dialogue on climate challenges, on how to address them, and on areas of mutual interest on climate-related subjects.

EU-backed climate conference to showcase 20 greentech startups (Dec. 1-3)Read More
Topics: Events & contests, Greentech, International, Sustainable Development & Resilience
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