President Putin: “AI is one the key areas that determine the future of the entire world”

On May 30 Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the development of artificial intelligence technologies. It took place during a visit to School 21, established by Sberbank as an educational organization to train IT specialists.

Before the meeting, the head of state was told about the academic process at School 21 and had a brief conversation with students. These can study, in particular, the following areas: algorithms, graphics, mobile development, computer security, robot technologies and artificial intelligence. The school has 940 students today.

A significant part of the President’s speech was dedicated to the importance of artificial intelligence:

This is indeed one of the key areas of technological development that determines and will continue to determine the future of the entire world. 
The artificial intelligence mechanisms will allow for quick real-time decision-making based on analysing vast amounts of information known as big data, which provides tremendous advantages in terms of quality and performance. In addition, such mechanisms are unparalleled in history in terms of their impact on the economy and productivity, the effectiveness of management, education, healthcare and daily life.
However, vying for technological leadership, primarily, in the sphere of artificial intelligence – and you are all very well aware of this, colleagues – has already lead to global competition. New products and solutions are being created at an exponential growth rate. I have said it before and I will say it now: he who can establish a monopoly in artificial intelligence – we are aware of the consequences – will rule the world.

President Putin: “AI is one the key areas that determine the future of the entire world”Read More
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