Crimea considers creating blockchain infrastructure for international investors to avoid sanctions

The authorities of Crimea, a Black Sea peninsula which has been disputed between Russia and Ukraine since 2014, are considering creating a new international blockchain technology training center.

Such a center would teach “specialists from countries under sanctions how to use new technologies to attract foreign investors,” Roman Tkachenko, the president of the Crimean Republican Association of Blockchain Investment Technologies (KRABIT in Russian), told the TASS news agency on Friday.

The idea is to create “a university or courses for blockchain specialists, including for the authorities” from “a number of states which, like Crimea, are under sanctions,” he added, citing South Ossetia and Abkhazia as examples. These two regions, which were previously parts of Georgian territory, have claimed their independence since 2008, even though only a handful of countries, including Russia, have recognized them as such.

Tkachenko explained that the blockchain technology, in particular, may be used to create investment platforms through which foreign investors can work in countries under sanctions while preserving anonymity for everyone.

However, the corresponding regulatory framework has yet to be established, he added.


Black Sea haven for crypto money

Earlier last week, Georgy Muradov, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Crimea under the President of the Russian Federation, shared potential plans to create a blockchain cluster “in the form of a cryptocurrency investment fund” in the framework of Crimea’s Special Economic Zone.

Noting that “nearly $1 trillion” are circulating in the world in the form of cryptocurrencies, Muradov said: “This is venture money, they are looking for a haven.”

This past spring Muradov already made statements about the potential creation of a cryptocurrency fund for foreign investors to avoid sanctions while investing in Crimean projects.

Refusing to recognize what they consider to be a Russian annexation of Crimea, western countries have taken economic sanctions against Russia and made attempts to restrict international business activity in the peninsula.


This article also appeared in French language in, a syndication partner of EWDN.

Topics: Blockchain, Crimea, Finance, International, Legal, Legislation & regulation, News, Policies, Regions & cities, Venture / Private equity
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