USDOC SABIT IT 2018 program picks tech startups from former Soviet Union

The US Department of Commerce (USDOC) International Trade Administration established the SABIT program in 1990 to promote the economic restructuring of countries from the former Soviet Union.  There are several group programs within this initiative including Health Care and IT.

The SABIT IT tech startup program recently chose 18 participants for its June 2018 executive training.  The companies come from isx countries of the former Soviet Union, including Azerbaijan, the Kirgiz Republic, Moldova, Tajikistan, Russia and Ukraine.

Ukraine (seven companies) and Russia (five companies) account for a majority of the companies chosen for the program.

The two-and-a-half week program will take place in the U.S. from June 12 to June 30, 2018.  The IT professionals in the program will have the opportunity for training and networking during a tour that includes Wash., DC, New York, Silicon Valley and other important US technology-related venues.

The participating Russian tech startups are:


Podcast interviews with senior executives of Hushme and TechNovator, two Ukrainian startups participating in the program, can be heard here. The complete list and biographies of all companies participating in the program can be found here.

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