The Russian edtech market: A new research by top market players with EWDN support

East-West Digital News has supported leading Russian and international organizations to offer the first-ever study about the embryonic but promising market of education technologies in Russia.

The research aims to analyze the Russian edtech market in its various dimensions, highlight its trends, key players, business models as well as the related investment activity and legal environment.

Special focus is being made on the international dimension: to which extent have foreign players penetrated the Russian market, and what is the potential of Russian technologies on the global market.

Several dozens of Russian and international tech providers, education institutions, investment funds, representatives of public authorities and foundations operating in this field are participating in the research.

The Netology Group, international research company comScore, Russia’s Public Opinion Foundation (FOM), the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF or FRII), and others have brought special contributions to the project.

The research report will be made available free of charge in June 2017 in Russian and English languages.


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The Russian edtech market: A new research by top market players with EWDN supportRead More
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