Russia exports e-government systems to Kyrgyzia and Syria

Rostec, a major government-backed tech corporation, is in advanced discussions with the Syrian government to supply e-government systems to this war-torn country.

In statments made in an industry event last month, Rostec’s head Sergey Chemezov reminded that Rostec — via its new subsidiary Rosinformexport — had already made a similar contract with the Kyrgyz government.

Rostec claims that its technology portfolio in this field includes some 200 information systems in such fields as public administration, education, elections, state healthcare systems, state utilities systems, state and municipal payment systems, smart cities, and many others.

As reported earlier by East-West Digital News, Rostec is developing efforts to sell Russian digital products on the international market. Aiming to virtually cover the whole world except Western countries, Rosinformexport will operate in a variety of markets, including Eastern Europe, the Middle-East, South and South-East Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Source: Rostec

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