Digital TV launched in Sakhalin region in test mode

Digital TV broadcasting has been launched in Sakhalin region in testing mode, regional officials report.

The digital TV stations have been installed in 12 out of 19 municipal districts in the region. In the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and some other municipalities test broadcasting is delayed due to technical difficulties in equipment installation.

Under plans, the first TV program package includes eight federal channels and three federal radio stations. In the future, the package is also to include one regional channel.

Under the federal program “TV and Radio Broadcasting Development in RF in 2009-2015” by the end of 2015 digital TV broadcasting format is to be implemented throughout Russia. Total investment into the program is estimated at $4.4 billion, including $2.8 billion federal funding.

Digital TV broadcasting implementation started in the Far East. The first digital TV station was built in the village of Korfovsky in Khabarovsk region.

Topics: Digital TV, News, Regions & cities, Sakhalin
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