Key regional IT and electronics clusters create union

The Union of Regional Innovation IT and Electronics Clusters has been established in Russia, reports the NanoNewsNet portal. The decision was formally announced on October 31, 2012 on the opening day of the Open Innovation international forum in Moscow.

Under the terms of the Union’s Declaration, the new association welcomes regional innovation clusters that manufacture products and offer services in the IT and electronics sectors.

The Union’s short- and mid-term objectives reportedly include the development of mechanisms of interaction between the innovation clusters and the state as well as large-scale corporations, along with developing ways of effectively tapping into the clusters’ economic, R&D, and manufacturing potential. The overall goals of the Union are the facilitation of horizontal-level interaction between clusters and the spurring of overall competition in the innovation markets.

At the moment, the Union incorporates the innovation IT and electronics clusters in Zelenograd (Moscow), Dubna (a town approximately 80 miles north of Moscow), and the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions of Siberia.

Yuri Vasilyev, head manager of the Zelenograd Special Economic Zone (SEZ), has been elected president of the Union.

Topics: Hardware, Electronics, Robotics, Incubators, Accelerators, Technoparks, News, R&D, Regions & cities
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