‘Hack For Peace” invites developers, entrepreneurs, mentors and investors to create anti-war tech products (Oct. 21-23)

Sigma Software Group, a Swedish-Ukrainian IT company, and Tech Nation, a UK platform providing support services to forward-looking leaders and founders, have teamed up to host‘Hack for Peace.’

This cross-European hackathon aims to support the creation of anti-war tech products. The organizers welcome aspiring newcomers, advanced coders, professional entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, and all others who wish to build pro-peace and anti-war innovative products. 

The participants will get mentorship support, experts advisory and investors guidelines to finance and launch their products. Three winners will have the opportunity to implement their ideas and build products with guidelines from investors and mentors.

The event will be held during 3 days, on October 21-23 in five countries — Ukraine, the UK, Sweden, Poland, and Portugal. Participants will gather offline in different locations yet they’ll be connected to other venues via teleconferencing. Thus they will be able to exchange ideas in person and across different countries as well.

The hackathon includes 4 tracks:

  • Cybersecurity, information hygiene, and media wars
  • Mental health
  • Kids’ education
  • Logistics in terms of war

Participants can look forward to an exciting weekend filled with learning, fun, and a healthy dose of competition — fueled by powerful mentorship support. Admission is free. Anyone can apply as an individual or as a team. Organizers will give preference to participants with existing ideas. 

The deadline for registration as a participant or mentor is September 30th.

‘Hack For Peace” invites developers, entrepreneurs, mentors and investors to create anti-war tech products (Oct. 21-23)Read More
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