Moscow court lifts US investor Michael Calvey’s restrictions on leaving home

The Meshchansky District Court of Moscow has lifted the house arrest restrictions on US citizen Michael Calvey, the founder of top private equity fund Baring Vostok,  three years after his arrest and months in jail

The courts previously ruled that Calvey was forbidden to leave the house after 8pm, communicate with witnesses outside the framework of the case, or visit the buildings of the Vostochny Bank or the First Collection Bureau, another bank that was named in the case against him.  

In early August 2021, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow found Calvey and his co-workers at the fund guilty of the embezzlement of 2.5 billion ($32.6 million) and gave all of them suspended sentences.   

Moscow court lifts US investor Michael Calvey’s restrictions on leaving homeRead More
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