While political pressure mounts at home, startups and investors from Eastern Europe amass successes on the global stage

Crunchbase and East-West Digital News are teaming up to cover key tech and venture trends from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, with a quarterly review by EWDN Chief Editor Adrien Henni highlighting the most notable industry facts and trends across the region.

More than with tech innovations, Russia made the news this past summer by staging a merciless war against political dissent and engaging in a power struggle with US digital giants in the run-up to its September parliamentary elections. The summer was also marked by developments of two legal matters involving prominent figures of the Russian tech scene — US investor Michael Calvey and Russian cybersecurity expert Ilya Schkov — which sent chills through the IT and business community.

Nevertheless, the past few months saw tech companies born in Russia, as well as neighboring Ukraine and Belarus, achieve impressive results on the international scene. Some new, or soon to be, unicorns were added to the list of top global players with roots in the region. Meanwhile, the vibrant community of Russian, or Russia-connected VCs investing globally continued to grow,  with several new funds emerging over the past few months

While political pressure mounts at home, startups and investors from Eastern Europe amass successes on the global stageRead More
Topics: Analysis, Corporate venturing, Finance, M&A, Policies, Startups, Venture / Private equity
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