Moscow City’s anti-Covid digital solutions awarded with ‘Runet Prize’

Yesterday Moscow City’s digital solutions aimed at combating the Covid-19 pandemic were awarded with a ‘Runet Prize‘ in the ‘Technologies vs Coronavirus’ nomination.  

The Runet Prize is among Russia’s main industry awards, aiming to single out the most remarkable initiatives for the development of the Russian Internet. This year, the prize will be presented for the 17th time, with 14 nomination and a reported total of 1,170 applications received.

The awarded Moscow City projects included:

  •, “the official website of the Moscow Mayor,” which features a section dedicated to Covid-19;
  • A social monitoring mobile application, which features a system of digital passes for movement around the city;
  • A registration (check-in) system using QR codes in entertainment establishments;
  • The special project ‘Coronavirus: Official Information,’ which publishes official data on the epidemic and measures to counter its spread;
  • An artificial intelligence experiment to analyze medical images; 
  • An electronic medical record;
  • A telemedicine center;
  • The “Moscow Electronic School” project; 
  • A citywide contact center.

Some of the systems proposed or implemented by the city authorities to combat the pandemic have been controversial. During the spring, for example, technical experts and human rights activists challenged the city’s plans to manage the lockdown using QR codes. 

Yandex, Group, MTS and Mango Telecom also received prizes in the ‘Technologies vs Coronavirus’ nomination.  

Sources: Runet Prize, ICT Moscow

Topics: Events & contests, Moscow, News, Regions & cities
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