From energy policies, to education, to crime investigation, Russian government bets on AI to achieve its digital transformation

The Russian government has plans to use of artificial intelligence increasingly in the framework of its digital transformation.  

On November 12, the heads of digital transformation of seven federal ministries and agencies — covering energy, industry and trade, culture, education and science, cadastre, agriculture, and taxes — gathered in a “strategic session on artificial intelligence.” Each organization presented its projects for the development of AI solutions and industry datasets.

Thus, the Interior Ministry intends to used AI to detect signs of serial crimes. An R&D program will start in 2023 to create specific software solutions to search for serial criminals and “identify the individual anatomical features of a person obtained from biological material from the crime scene.”

Meanwhile the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)  is developing its own AI-powered digital platform, aiming to enhance real estate registration services, land searches and interactions with cadastral engineers.

For example, an AI tool will help check documents and extract the necessary information. AI will also be used to identify unregistered capital construction facilities based on data of satellite images, orthophotomaps, etc.

During last week’s strategic session, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko instructed the Ministry of Digital Development Communications and Mass Media to create a register of ready-made solutions in the field of AI for use in federal agencies.

Sources: Russian government, Tadviser, Kommersant

Topics: Artificial intelligence, Digital services & Apps, E-government, News, Policies
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