Russia’s Internet regulator blocks a thousand websites that mention a prominent banker

Roskomnadzor, the Internet and telecom regulator, has blocked roughly 1,000 hyperlinks to different Internet resources mentioning VTB Bank, the bank’s president, Andrey Kostin, and TV news anchor Nailya Asker-Zade. As reported by the Russian media, the Internet freedom project Roskomsvoboda found that Roskomnadzor is enforcing two court rulings handed down last fall.

According to legal records, VTB Bank demanded in multiple lawsuits the deletion of Internet content that mentions Kostin and Asker-Zade at least four times. In what Roskomsvoboda director Artem Kozlyuk believes is an unprecedented act of online censorship in Russia, the legal procedure was riddled with major procedural violations.

Russia’s Internet regulator blocks a thousand websites that mention a prominent bankerRead More
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