Russian startup aims to 3D-print human tissue in space for “more viable cells”

Russian scientists plan to 3D-print human tissue and a thyroid gland in the space, believing they’ll have better and more viable cells than those created on Earth.

The International Space Station (ISS) is being supplied with a new 3D printer developed by the Russian startup, 3D Bioprinting Solutions. The company already created a thyroid gland in mice in its Moscow lab, but microgravity is a totally different environment.

“Microgravity can help us obtain biosamples with a larger percentage of viable cells,” said Dmitry Serin, deputy head of the science and technology center at Energia Rocket & Space Corporation. “The growing cells will experience less pressure in space.”

Russian startup aims to 3D-print human tissue in space for “more viable cells”Read More
Topics: Biomedicine, News, Startups
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