Irkutsk State University sets up Tech Transfer Center

Irkutsk State University (ISU) in Siberia has established its own Tech Transfer Center, the ISU press service announced earlier this month.

The Center has been created as a spin-off limited liability company and is expected to offer a classic range of consulting services, including search for partners and customers and assistance for innovators in completing paperwork for investors and packaging their projects.

According to Evgeny Semenov, the CEO of the new company and head of ISU’s department for innovation development, “the Center will primarily focus on the commercialization of the university’s R&D results and assist in raising government and private capital to fund innovation projects.”

The university has its own Taiga Start-up School, which is said to be developing 18 innovation projects that originated in ISU labs. These include Entermap, a multifunctional mobile application, Sarma, a portal to organize research tours, Smart Camera for computer vision systems and others. Finding markets for these and other university tech solutions is expected to be the Center’s first assignment.


Topics: Education & training, Incubators, Accelerators, Technoparks, Irkutsk, News, Regions & cities, Startups
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