International study sheds full light on Russia’s online video market

In partnership with comScore, Ernst and Young and The Next Web, East-West Digital News is releasing a 100-page study on the Russian online video market, a fast-growing segment that deserves renewed attention.

A variety of factors is set to drive strong further growth, from the new anti-piracy legislation – which is likely to increase content owners’ interest in the Russian market and stimulate the development of legitimate online video platforms – to the beginning of massive advertiser involvement in online video formats, to the growing maturity of several online video platforms.

For the first time, a full set of reliable and precise data on this market has been made available, along with middle and long term forecasts and trends. Much credit for this information is due to comScore, ICM, J’Son & Partners, TNS Global, and other partners who have shared their freshest data.

Furthermore, the report explores each of the key issues defining the industry – from traditional and new distribution channels to copyright holders’ strategies, to advertising, to piracy and new legislation in this domain.

A special section is dedicated to market players with an exhaustive list of Russia’s main online video sites. Last but not least, investors will enjoy an exhaustive review of investment deals that have taken place in Russia since the very start of this market seven years ago, with an analysis of opportunities and risks as well as exit perspectives.

Finally, our special gratitude goes to pioneering industry player Tvigle Media, which has sponsored this research, as well as to all the other market players and experts who have participated in various ways, providing us with the means necessary to complete this in-depth analysis.

This report is free of charge. You may download the executive summary by clicking here or the full version here. A Russian version of the executive summary is also available.

East West Digital News’ research series also includes reports on e-commerce, cross-border sales and payment technologies. Please click here for more information.

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