Sizable electronics cluster announced in Kaliningrad

GS Group, a Russian holding company operating internationally, is expected to establish its Technopolis GS electronics cluster outside Kaliningrad in Northwest Russia by 2017, reported.

The Technopolis GS project is said to be based GS Group’s multi-sector production facilities in microelectronics and nanotechnology. These have been operating since 2008 in the town of Gusev, in the Kaliningrad region.
The cluster will reportedly include an industrial area, a few R&D and training centers, a business incubator, and a venture fund. The investment is expected to create as many as 5,000 new local jobs and bring in European IT experts to train regional specialists.

Over the next five years, GS Group also plans to build a residential area with cottages and apartment buildings for 4,500 employees and their families, as well as a number of urban infrastructure projects.

GS Group is an international multi-sector holding company financed by Russian capital. The group focuses on the telecom and other innovation markets.

Topics: Hardware, Electronics, Robotics, Incubators, Accelerators, Technoparks, Kaliningrad, News, Regions & cities
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