RBC revamps Autonews.ru portal

Moscow – RBC OJSC (MICEX-RTS: RBCM) hereby announces the launch of a new version of automotive news portal Autonews.ru. Modern design and high-quality visual content provide users with a convenient way of accessing up-to-date information about automobiles, the automobile market, and services.

Additionally, the website’s advertising capacity has been increased by adding advertising space and increasing the size of banners on the main page.

The structure of Autonews.ru’s sections has become more functional. Some sections such as “Model range”, “Sale&Purchase” have been completely revamped. Moreover, more user materials have been added to “Autonews Club”, which will become a forum for drivers and automotive industry professionals.

The upcoming plans include rolling out several additional services for drivers, namely the State Road Safety Inspectorate’s data base of fines and a catalog of automobiles which enables users to compare prices and features of cars.

  • About Autonews.ru

Autonews.ru is an automotive portal intended for everyone who is interested in cars and automotive market news. It offers up-to-date information about new car brands, automobile companies, automotive services, driving test results and descriptions of cars, a comprehensive newswire, research, interviews, car reviews, offers to buy and sell new and used cars, a regularly updated catalog of automobiles, etc. Over 150,000 people visit the website daily.

Topics: Internet, Online media, Press releases & Industry announcements
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