The potential of Skolkovo, the state-sponsored innovation hub nearing completion outside of Moscow, as a research and development base for marketable high tech products has been illustrated, for one of the first times, by the first international sales of a cloud computing solution developed with the support of Skolkovo’s IT cluster.
The solution, named the Parallels Automation for Cloud Infrastructure (PACI), allows web hosting and telecom providers to create their own data centers and deliver cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Applications for PACI range from website or software application hosting, to databases and high performance computing, claims Parallels, the Russian software publisher that developed the product.
PACI is being compared to Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud. Its first clients are “major companies in Southeast Asia and Europe,” according to Parallels, including the Japanese company Tsukaeru.
Under pressure from its government sponsors to deliver results, the Skolkovo Foundation can be generous with its residents. PACI was offered a 150 million ruble grant, approximately $5 million, while Parallels contributed for another 150 million rubles, as reported last year by East-West Digital News.
Skolkovo also supports startups, which can receive in grants of up to three times what they receive in in funding from investors.
Any company engaged in research activities, as well as in the development and the commercialization of its innovative ideas, can apply for status as a Skolkovo resident.
Non-Russian companies may also apply through a special procedure. If approved by the Skolkovo Foundation’s Expert Board, the applicant may establish a Russian legal entity to become a Skolkovo resident.