Transtelecom to launch cable TV next spring

Fiber-optic telecommunication provider Transtelecom (TTK) is preparing to launch  cable TV services next spring in several Russian regions.

“We don’t focus on one technology exclusively,” news agency RIA Novosti quoted TTK President Artem Kudryavtsev as saying. “Depending on  the local situation in each region, we may use analog cable TV as well as the digital DVB-C standard and, in a later stage, IPTV.”

While it intends to organize a tender this spring to purchase the IPTV platform, the company is also considering an OTT TV strategy.

After the launch of IPTV, TTK will seek partners to provide video on demand services, Kudryavtsev said.

A subsidiary of Russian Railways (RZD), TTK currently operates and services the largest fiber-optic communication network in Russia. Laid alongside the railways, the network is longer than 53,000 km, has a network capacity of 560 Gbit/s, has more than 1,000 access nodes in all regions of Russia, and is connected to Europe and Asia.

Transtelecom currently offers broadband services in 94 Russian cities, making it one of the leading alternative operators of fixed line communications. In September 2011, it won 20 wireless Internet licenses in three tenders organized by the regulation authorities.

Topics: Digital TV, Mobile & Telecom, News, Operators & Networks, Regions & cities
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