Skolkovo resident status offered to 310 companies in 2011 with grants totaling 5 billion rubles

Skolkovo granted resident status to 29 companies last week, bringing the total number of residents to 310. The state sponsored innovation hub under completion near Moscow received a total of 1,500 applications this year, including one third from companies with foreign capital.

Among the new residents, ten joined Skolkovo’s IT cluster, including Dashboard, which designs software to facilitate managerial work, Inango-SW, a provider of local networking solutions to ISPs, and Sever, which specializes in cryptographic security measures to protect goods. The NPO SODIS Laboratory offers security systems for monitoring buildings. STS allows companies to present high quality 360 degree views on their web sites.

Other companies granted residency joined the energy, biomedical, space and nuclear technologies clusters.

According to Alexander Lupachev, the investment director of the Skolkovo Foundation, 69 projects received grants this year totaling 5 billion rubles, or approximately $166 million, in addition to private funding. The size of the grants varied from 1.5 to 300 million rubles, depending on project maturity.

Source: RBC Daily


Topics: Incubators, Accelerators, Technoparks, News, Regions & cities, Skolkovo, Startups
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