5 Russian startups among finalists for Red Herring’s Top 100 Europe

Five Russian companies are among the 200 finalists of Red Herring’s European startup contest held in Amsterdam.

This group of 200 companies is the short list for the Top 100 Europe award. The Red Herring editorial team found them to be “the most innovative” and “exciting” after evaluating them on both quantitative and qualitative criteria, including financial performance, technology innovation, quality of management, execution of strategy, and integration into their respective industries.

The Russian contenders are Bitrix, a leading publisher of e-commerce software in Russia; Pixonic, a publisher of popular social applications; Speaktoit, a developer of mobile and Internet chatbots; StreetJournal.org, or “My Territory,” which presents itself as “an effective instrument of interaction between residents and authorities” at the local level; and PiratePay, an antipiracy startup recently awarded a grant from Microsoft.

The winners will be announced at a special award dinner on May 25.

Source: Red Herring, Unova.ru

Topics: Events & contests, International, Internet, News, Startups
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